Compost of Dreams

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

In The Underbelly Of The Air

In the underbelly of the air we fancy
Ourselves apart...everyone bit pea-princess
Gone-soft! Affluent and inflated with Care.
Insured-up to cottonwool our heart's eye
From eaglesight, the link-back, the omphalos inside.

In the underbelly of the air we have
Shagpile ninecluds to mundane on
Suckering ourselves tizzy in imagewinds of gorblimey
Frothing out the sails of our lungs to cushion-speed
Palming us down in cold heart-comfort soup.

In the underbelly of the air we sit
Stuffing images into ourselves, chickenfeeding info!
Weekending our souls on the breast of duck-down
Like fool Canutes at low-ebb on heavenblind sands
Scuttling our happy shit on the doorstep.

In the underbelly of the air we pity
Ourselves and tell each other how
Vulnerable we feel. Making ease and society
Saying: " Don't be critical! Don't be hard!"
In the underbelly of the air.

1988 © Wayne David Knoll

Where has our Vigour gone? Where is the Nous? Where Gusto? Yakka? Quiddity? All bowdlerised? Gone to gewgaws and hype, gizmos and dithers. We procastrate ourselves with distractions and make a world gone to cheap gawks and tinsel talks. Gone to schlock- truth and Newspeak! Puke lukewarm in our mincewords! Give us Acts of God and prophets to stir us out of spiritless comfort zones.

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About Me

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I am a 4th-to-6th generation Australian of Silesian (Prusso-Polish), Welsh, Schwabian-Württemberg German, yeoman English, Scots, & Cornish stock; all free settlers who emigrated between 1848-1893 as colonial pioneers. I am the 2nd of 7 brothers and a sister raised on the income off 23 acres. I therefore belong to an Australian Peasantry which historians claim doesn't exist. I began to have outbreaks of poetry in 1975 when training for a Diploma of Mission Theology in Melbourne. I've since done a BA in Literature and Professional Writing and Post-graduate Honours in Australian History. My poem chapbook 'Compost of Dreams' was published in 1994. I have built a house of trees and mud-bricks, worked forests, lived as a new-pioneer, fathered-n-raised two sons and a daughter, and am now a proud grandfather. I have worked as truck fresh-food farmer, a freelance foliage-provider, been a member of a travelling Christian Arts troupe, worked as duty officer and conflict resolutionist with homeless alcoholic men, been editor/publisher of a Journal of Literature for Christian Pilgrimage, a frontier researcher, done poetry in performance seminars in schools and public events.