Compost of Dreams

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Counting For Nothing


(or - The farm signed me )

First Monday of

every month
I must spend a day uselessly

in town
Have five coffees

with the accountant

Acres Accounting Limited!

We do-over

last month's debt reserve
Go over next months tallies,

draughts, live-weights,
And I get my orders,

with Guides for Futures
plus meagre Stipend

and Household Support!

Going in I drive

all the way past farms
like mine

-I mean like not-mine-
[Mortgages bought up

Acres Accounting Limited! ]

I took years

to sign to quit the farm
but the farm signed me
Left me here
with a hollow heirloom
a tenant for history

with the lemon tree

by the chookpen
which lets its bitterness here.


where there is no family farm
but the only life I know.

I am owned

by the produce I sold.
I meet

the bailiff of the paper baron
And he tells me

what to sow,

where to reap
and how much

of the paper

I can keep.

I am under

the screw of thumbs
a fate
which my great-grandparents

left Germany
to escape.

I am an untold peasant
In an unsaid feudalism
And all my practical thrift

and ingenuity
- that spare economy

counts for nothing
on economist's


1992 © Wayne David Knoll

Economies of scale now run us off the land and unbalance us off the human scale of feeling. Everyone but the very rich is becoming landless and placeless, unless it is a pocket hankerchief morsel of trod-on dirt. This poem was written after travelling through the Riverina and meeting farmers on the edge of the bank doors. It was inspired by a story in the Melbourne 'Age' newspaper. In the Campaspe valley I discovered the early thatched-roof inplement sheds, and straw-roofed fooder shelters of our past, of settlers who built with what they had to hand. The family farmers made and built in and of the landscape to make this land rich and more productive, more sheltering as a home, than it had ever been before. Creativity with landscape is a poetic ingenuity which gives many life. Whereas, economy with landscape is that mercenary snake-oil spin which also kills with the venom of its fear and sefishness. Economics kills the country; belief makes the country live. It is generosity and philanthropic stewardship and commitment which makes the country come alive.

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About Me

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I am a 4th-to-6th generation Australian of Silesian (Prusso-Polish), Welsh, Schwabian-Württemberg German, yeoman English, Scots, & Cornish stock; all free settlers who emigrated between 1848-1893 as colonial pioneers. I am the 2nd of 7 brothers and a sister raised on the income off 23 acres. I therefore belong to an Australian Peasantry which historians claim doesn't exist. I began to have outbreaks of poetry in 1975 when training for a Diploma of Mission Theology in Melbourne. I've since done a BA in Literature and Professional Writing and Post-graduate Honours in Australian History. My poem chapbook 'Compost of Dreams' was published in 1994. I have built a house of trees and mud-bricks, worked forests, lived as a new-pioneer, fathered-n-raised two sons and a daughter, and am now a proud grandfather. I have worked as truck fresh-food farmer, a freelance foliage-provider, been a member of a travelling Christian Arts troupe, worked as duty officer and conflict resolutionist with homeless alcoholic men, been editor/publisher of a Journal of Literature for Christian Pilgrimage, a frontier researcher, done poetry in performance seminars in schools and public events.