Compost of Dreams

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

EARNIE - Crabbin in the Pie


"Me name's Ernie! Ya know
I only got one ear, one eye, no sense
of smell, no taste, no fingertips
on me right hand. One arm's shorter
than the other. me body's all scarred
under the tatts. One kidney's canned,
and I broke this hip; but I'm only 44 ya know?

I diced meself thru three bike smashes.
Lost all memory ov three years, but
the flesh fused and bone knitted!
See this scar sewn down me forehead
this brighter skin between me lashes ?
God! The only reason I', alive and witted
is me brain's too small!

I pranged five ribs rollin the fencin ute.
Took me fingertips off cleanin a sawmill thicknesser;
but me grip's took cute... I doan mind a drudge!
The quack give me the Ok fa 'ealth Benefits!
But I woan take it... I Reckon Dole-Bludgers ransack
this country... all soft-quid and sickness it is!
I tell ya it gives me the shits ta sit still.

I work I do! Landscape supplies. I yard-work with
one eye jussed as good as any pup! So? I've grimed
the dye inta me wavers! Them moulds gunk up
me fingers, but I doan shift fa fate, I'm in business
now! I'll be right by fifty... I crabbin in the pie!
... Aye? D'ya wanna buy some concrete pavers?
...... They look jussed like real slate?

1990 © Wayne David Knoll

A little horror story of feelings I kept to myself when I met this man in an upcountry pub. He was a true-grit mister in the acceptance of the limitions of his reality, but for me his wounds were as honest as his visionlessness. But I liked him for the fighting spirit he showed, and an integrity which eschews sloth and apathy.

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About Me

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I am a 4th-to-6th generation Australian of Silesian (Prusso-Polish), Welsh, Schwabian-Württemberg German, yeoman English, Scots, & Cornish stock; all free settlers who emigrated between 1848-1893 as colonial pioneers. I am the 2nd of 7 brothers and a sister raised on the income off 23 acres. I therefore belong to an Australian Peasantry which historians claim doesn't exist. I began to have outbreaks of poetry in 1975 when training for a Diploma of Mission Theology in Melbourne. I've since done a BA in Literature and Professional Writing and Post-graduate Honours in Australian History. My poem chapbook 'Compost of Dreams' was published in 1994. I have built a house of trees and mud-bricks, worked forests, lived as a new-pioneer, fathered-n-raised two sons and a daughter, and am now a proud grandfather. I have worked as truck fresh-food farmer, a freelance foliage-provider, been a member of a travelling Christian Arts troupe, worked as duty officer and conflict resolutionist with homeless alcoholic men, been editor/publisher of a Journal of Literature for Christian Pilgrimage, a frontier researcher, done poetry in performance seminars in schools and public events.